Context and justification
In the current socio-economic context, as for more than two decades, salaried employment opportunities are proving to be insufficient to meet the demands of the large and growing masses of job seekers on the Cameroonian labour market. This is why, since its creation, the NEF has developed a vast programme of support for the self-creation of jobs and the creation of micro-projects. This support takes place in the following six phases :
The six phases below:
- Reception and evaluation of the candidate;
- Assistance to the candidate in drawing up a business plan;
- Evaluation of the project by the credit committee;
- Training;
- Financing and installation;
- Monitoring - supervision - advice.
The "follow-up - supervision - advice" component appears to be a vital phase, particularly in the start-up and development phase of the project for newly created businesses. However, the support provided by the NEF is still insufficient, as our organisation does not have enough resources, especially human resources, for a personalised follow-up of each promoter. Moreover, our action is limited when the promoter has fully repaid his loan.
It was with these observations in mind that NEF designed and developed the "Microenterprise Sponsorship Programme" for heads of larger enterprises. This programme, called "MICROPAR", aimed to help microenterprises to better ensure their development thanks to their support by a business leader (the Sponsor) through the development of a relationship of "the hand of a big brother to a little brother". The aim was to encourage a spirit of citizenship and to involve business leaders in a greater commitment to the fight against youth unemployment.
The MICROPAR programme, through the development of a partnership between a microenterprise promoter and a larger business leader, aims to :
- Strengthen the development of microenterprises financed by the NEF thanks to the support - supervision - advice of a sponsor who is the head of a relatively larger, and therefore more experienced, enterprise.
- Encourage a civic commitment from the heads of "senior companies" to play a role as a driving force in the process of promoting entrepreneurship, thus giving young promoters a chance to realise their dreams and become, why not, the sponsors of tomorrow.
Conditions for success
In addition to the vagaries of the environment, the factors that condition the success of this Programme are :
- a good match (sponsor - sponsored)
- the commitment and seriousness of the sponsor
- the commitment and seriousness of the sponsored person;
- good follow-up of the programme.
Target population
The target population of MICROPAR is any micro enterprise financed by the NEF.
The implementation of the "MICROPAR" will follow the following steps
- The search for a sponsor, based on the sponsorship offer form (see Annex 1);
- The presentation of potential candidates to the Sponsor (cf. appendix 2);
- The meeting between the Sponsor and the potential candidates;
- Selection of candidates by the Sponsor;
- Signature of the sponsorship agreement between the Sponsor and the Sponsored (see Annex 3);
- Implementation of the Programme;
- Monitoring of the Programme;
- Programme evaluation.
Types of Sponsor support
In order to support its development, the sponsor provides the microenterprise promoter with a range of support, including
- The reception of the microenterprise promoter in his enterprise for training courses
- Advisory support (technical and management)
- Commercial support, including companionship or subcontracting;
- Possibly optional financial support (downstream, aid, etc.);
- And all other support likely to sustain the development and growth of the young enterprise