The National Employment Fund


Your situation


  • You are looking for experienced and very high level executives;

  • You have problems related to the processing of your human resources (assessment of existing staff, reprofiling, etc.).

What we do


  • Assistance in defining the profile sought.
  • Assessment of the candidates' skills.
  • Any other action according to the specific problems of the company    




  • Let's set up a strategy to facilitate the satisfaction of your needs, through the definition and processing of your offer.

Our tools


  • Detailed job descriptions (definition of the job, skills and aptitudes related to the job, required training, etc.)
  • Tests (psychotechnical, technical and personality tests).
  • Personalized interviews.

Other services for employers

The Bureau Cadres is a structure of the National Employment Fund (NEF) which helps you to meet your needs for experienced and high-level managers.

Managers Profile

  • Graduate of higher education
  • Continuous experience of at least 5 years in a profession, with significant achievements
  • Have held positions of responsibility

The Manager Office's service offer is a quality commitment that NEF makes to accomplish its mission in a dynamic and efficient way. It aims to provide a personalised response to the needs of each company..

The Bureau Cadres offers :

  • Assistance in the treatment of human resources,
  • Any other action in favour of company managers, and allowing a better collaboration between the NEF and the companies.

1. Support for the processing of human resources

Two actions are planned for this purpose: assistance with recruitment and the skills assessment for existing staff.

1.1. Recruitment assistance

Definition of the profile

The Bureau Cadres provides company managers with job descriptions corresponding to each profile that interests them. This enables them to express their needs clearly and precisely.
The job description provides information on :

  • the definition of the job,
  • the training required
  • technical skills required
  • job-related skills
  • any other information useful to the employer to better define a profile.

Selection of candidates

To ensure quality work, the Executive Board proposes three levels of selection:

First level of selection : Pre-selection of Curriculum Vitae (CV)
This is the provision of a "Top Cadres" file to company managers, which can be consulted at the NEF or on the Internet site.

The employer has the possibility to make his selection directly or to entrust it to the Employment Counsellor of the Bureau Cadres who presents him with the pre-selected CVs for assessment before the tests.

Second level of selection: Test administrations
This selection is made through the written tests offered by the NEF according to the job offered. These are :

  • Psycho-technical tests, which make it possible to assess certain assets of the candidate, such as mental alertness, consistency, etc,
  • Personality tests, which make it possible to identify the candidate's personality, in order to determine the latter's traits or state of character,
  • Technical tests which help the recruiter to assess the candidate's level of mastery of the job.

The selected candidates are selected for interviews with a specially constituted panel..

Third level of selection :  The interview
The interview is an oral test which allows the members of the jury to confirm the assessments made of the candidate during the reading of his/her CV and during the evaluation of the written tests.

The jury is made up of one or two representatives of the NEF and of the company, depending on the nature of the post and the number of people to be recruited.

It is this jury that presents the final results to the employer.

Presentation of the results
The final results are presented in the form of a file consisting of the following elements :

  • the offer acceptance form,

  • the CVs selected by the employer,

  • the results of the written tests,

  • the results of the interviews in order of merit, with the opinion of the jury.

1.2 Assessment of the skills of existing staff

In the context of staff redeployment or the company's social audit, the Bureau Cadres is at your side for the assessment of the staff concerned.

This assessment is done in three (3) steps: The definition of the position, the related profile and the assessment of the staff in position.

Based on in-depth and personalised interviews, reinforced by tests (in certain cases), the Counsellors carry out an analysis which enables them to detect the "pluses" and "minuses" of the staff, by trying to highlight their "preferred" field.

1.3 Any other specific needs expressed by the company

The need must be related to the treatment of the human resource.

In this specific case, the NEF and the companies put in place an approach aiming at facilitating the satisfaction of the need, through a better definition and an efficient treatment of the offer.

2. Any other action in favour of business leaders
These are actions such as seminars, sectoral meetings, idea forums organised by the NEF, and aiming to create a framework for exchanges between its partners and the NEF, enabling them to reinforce the collaboration already established between them.

An answer to your human resources problems

National Employment Fund : an employment tool at the service of everyone
Our services are FREE OF CHARGE

Phone +(237) 222 22 51 81  -   P O box : 10079 Yaounde - Cameroon    -