The National Employment Fund



The programme will be implemented in 7 stages, namely :

  1. Identification of the company's needs by NEF Employment Counsellors, based on retirement programmes, with the management or department in charge of human resources.
  2. The development of a training programme by mutual agreement with the management or department in charge of human resources, and the incumbents of the positions concerned or those that will be vacant following the movements generated by the departures.
  3. The selection and recruitment of candidates for training jointly by the NEF and the company.
  4. The signature of the partnership agreement.
  5. The training of the selected candidates in the company.
  6. Monitoring of the training by NEF employment Counsellors and the division in charge of human resources.
  7. Evaluation of the training.
  8. The hiring of candidates at the end of the training in the company.

During the training, the candidates will benefit from a training allowance supported as follows: NEF: 50%; company: 50%.


National Employment Fund : an employment tool at the service of everyone
Our services are FREE OF CHARGE

Phone +(237) 222 22 51 81  -   P O box : 10079 Yaounde - Cameroon    -